
Michal Zima's CV

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Michal Zima

Email miso.zima@1337tester.com
Web www.1337tester.com
linkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/1337tester/
Phone +41766121224
Nationality Slovak
Date of birth 17.01.1986


Testing for me is searching for order in the chaotic complexity which can emerge from the simplest of designs. It is bringing clarity into uncertainty, bringing value for the stakeholders with the quick and comprehensible information I provide.

While on projects I seek new ways to solve problems, minimize chaos, promote collaboration and build a knowledge base among people. I strive to achieve mutual trust in the form of:

“Michal tested this, there will be no surprises”

My strength dwells in curiosity to figure out software problems into their atomic essence. I’m currently interested in computer security - web, network and also the physical aspect of it. My methods include scripts to support my testing and I am willing to use trial/error to an extent where most people give up. This helps me create a model of the system which I then refine incrementally. At the end of the day, the feedback from testing itself shows the best approach. You need to always be ready to change the way how you approach the problem.

When you don’t see me testing, I am probably doing sports or exploring interesting parts of our planet.

Professional Activity 🤺

2016 - now Test Specialist, House of Test GmbH, CH/UK

With House of Test, I found the ideal company for my testing career. It is full of like-minded people strongly supporting each other.





Just Eat UK


eBay (Intradesys)

Swisscom Home Automation

2014 – 2016 Test Consultant, Capco, BA

2012 – 2014 Automation Test Engineer, ERNI, BA

2010 – 2012Tester, Accenture, BA

Skills & Expertise


English - Full Professional Knowledge
German - Full Professional Knowledge
Swiss German - Beginner
Slovakian - Native Speaker


2004-2009 Comenius University, Faculty of Management,
Master in IT Management

2009-now Owning my education by reading books (testing, psychology, economics), attending onsite or online courses (Coursera, Udemy, BBST, …) and conferences (3XC3, Defcon, Craft, SoCraTes), mainly security-oriented stuff


You can view my recommendations here

Certifications and directions of learning

You can view my certifications here